‘What About Me?’ is a 15 minute film with an accompanying resource pack intended to examine the impact on family life of illegal drug use. It is the end product of extensive research into the issue of drug taking and its effect on family life, as seen through the eyes of a younger sibling of a drug user. (target audience 14+)
This is a co production with Geronimo films and WAM , the Nottinghamshire support agency which offers help to younger family members and friends of drug users. The project was funded by thirteen different agencies across Nottinghamshire, took a year to complete, and is deeply indebted to many different support agencies and schools across the county and city.
This resource is intended for use by WAM and similar agencies as part of an integrated drugs education strategy and is designed to raise awareness of where and how young people can seek out help and support.
In order to ensure co-ordinated delivery, all enquiries relating to access to the resource should be directed to:
Nicola Crisp at the WAM office on 01623 635330
or email at
Mary Green as Jackie
Audience Comments
A rolling programme of delivery is currently underway across the city and county and positive feedback has come from both adults and young people accessing the resource. At its initial showing, one mother of a drug user described it as,
‘The most powerful piece of film I have ever seen on the impact of drug use on a family.’
Apart from praise within the county ‘What About Me?’ has now also gained national and international recognition at the London Film Festival where, after being shortlisted from over a thousand entries, it was described as:
‘A brilliant British film about drug addiction and its effects on a family. It’s an issue film and is heartbreaking, honest and fantastically acted.’
John Berridge – Chair of Nottinghamshire Drug and Alcohol Action Team & Former Assistant Director of Education, has also added his voice to the universal praise received by the project:
‘This video is by far one of the best contemporary source materials to use in addressing social issues surrounding Class A drug use. The emphasis on the perspective of a younger sibling of a user is a powerful emotional approach.’