Only The One

An alcohol awareness play for Years 6 & 7

‘Only the One’ examines the pressures on individuals and families caused by society’s acceptance of ‘binge drinking’ as a part of everyday life . The story is seen through the eyes of a 12 year old boy who, during a period of family upheaval, attempts to understand the varied and conflicting attitudes towards alcohol within his own family.

How do adult attitudes towards alcohol influence the young and what is the damage caused by the drug to individuals and families who live in a society which actively encourages its consumption?

‘Only the One’ has toured on four previous occasions, lasts approximately 40 minutes and is followed by a workshop of similar length.

Steve Mair as Gary and Ian Court as Glen – 1998 tour

Audience Comments

 Teacher Responses

‘The play was superb, engaging and thought provoking’
Radcliffe on Trent Junior School

‘Very powerful and all the children were totally involved. Overall excellent!’
Arnold View Primary School

‘I was impressed by the rapt attention shown by the pupils. They seemed really drawn into the performance.’
Ellis Guilford Comprehensive


Student Responses

‘I thought the play was brilliant for young people like us because we’ve thought about how it could affect the rest of our lives. It’s definitely helped me think more.’
Brocklewood Junior School, Yr 6

‘Tom said a proper man was a man with a pint in his hand but that is wrong because a proper man is a sensible man.’
Bonington Junior School, Yr 6

‘I think the workshop was a great idea, it helped me understand how alcohol affects family life as well as yourself.’
Annie Holgate Junior School, Yr 6

Dave Whittington as Uncle Tom – 1998 tour